Informally, a group is a set in which the combination of any two elements gives another element in the set.
For a more technical definition, we have to specify what we mean by "combination" (through a "binary operation"), and we need to specify reversibility as well. So a more complete definition would be
A group under binary operation * is a set G with three properties:
1) for any two elements g and h in G, g*h is also an element in G (closure);
2) there's an "identity element" e inG, meaning that, for every element g in G, e*g = g*e = g; and
3) every element g in G has an"inverse element" g' in G, meaning that g*g' = g'*g = e, the identity element.
Standard examples include
the integers (positive, negative, and 0) under binary operation addition. (They don't form a group under multiplication, however, since property 3 is not satisfied without introducing fractions. The non-negative integers under addition satisfy properties 1 and 2 but not 3. The even integers satisfy property 1 under multiplication, but not property 2 or 3.)
the rational numbers (fractions, including all integers and negative fractions) under binary operation addition. (They almost form a group under multiplication; all that's missing is that 0 has no inverse element. The non-0 rational numbers form a group under multiplication.)
the symmetries of a geometric shape. A symmetry is a transformation of the shape that places it on top of where it was originally.
contra dance figures can be described in terms of symmetries, here's an exteded example. There are six symmetries of an equilateral triangle. We can color the triangle to show how it is transformed:
We can describe how the vertices are moved by numbering the three positions:
The transformation of the top left triangle to the third triangle of the first row can be described by saying:
the vertex in position 1 goes to position 3;
the vertex in position 2 goes to position 1; and
the vertex in position 3 goes to position 2.
A shorthand for this transformation is (1 3 2).
The transformation of the top left triangle to the first triangle of the second row can be represented by
the vertex in position 2 goes to position 3
the vertex in position 3 goes to position 2
A shorthand for this transformation is (2 3).
Last modified 01-May-2002